Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Koliada (Ukrainian Christmas) Pierogies: 3 ingredients

Just finished making 170 pierogies for the family holiday celebration of Koliada, or Yule, or Ukrainian Christmas.


4 cups of flour, whisked

2 cups of water

3 pounds of potatoes, peeled, diced, boiled, (can add salt if you want)

3 cups (12 oz.) cheddar cheese, grated


Dough: Add water into flour, by bits, mixing with your hands, into a dough ball; if too sticky add a little more flour. Let rest half an hour, covered. Roll out thinly, as thin as you can, then take a circular measure (we usually use 6 or 8 oz. glass), and cut out rounds, snuggled next to each other. Gather the scrap dough and set it aside, covered.

Filling: Mash together the potatoes and cheese. 

Pierogies: By half teaspoonfuls, put the potato mix onto a round in your hand. Fold it over so it forms a semi-circle, then pinch together the edges where they meet; pinch well, being careful to make sure that the corners and everywhere along the seam cannot leak. Put on a floured sheet and cover with a towel. 

Cooking: Once they are all made, drop in batches into boiling water for about 6 minutes. They will float to the top. Strain, and if not eating right away, toss with butter/oil to keep from sticking. They reheat (and even freeze and reheat) well: can be put into oven or microwave.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Koliada (Ukrainian Yule or Christmas) Kutia: 4 ingredients

Kutia is an ancient food. It is wheat berries (whole wheat seeds) with poppy seeds, walnuts, and honey. However it's very easy to make using modern ingredients and conveniences.


4 cups of wheat berries

1 can Solo Poppy Seed Filling

2 cups of walnuts, ground

2 cups honey, to taste; some prefer it sweeter, some prefer it not too sweet


Rinse wheat berries, and let soak, covered in water, overnight if possible. Then cook in a slow-cooker on high for at least 3 hours, up to 8, keeping wheat covered, with water, until they are as cooked as you prefer...some like them 'al dente' {"to the tooth" in Italian}; others prefer the starch to come out of them. Then mix in other ingredients, to taste. Can be served hot or cold, and keeps well refrigerated for up to a week.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius Ritual

The New Moon in Sagittarius...beginning of the 13 moons thru 2022
Originally written as a Rite for a Solitary Practitioner, but can be adapted for groups
  1. Cleansing bath or shower
  2. Earthwork{in the chop wood, carry water idea: I raked the last of the leaves} (or barefoot dancing) & composting (or some other representation of you participating in the cycle turning with a fresh, clean start), both as mundane to mystical energy raising in your own body and to connect with nature, outdoors, Mother Earth | Gaia | Mokosh
  3. Sky-clad (Grab a wrap as needed for comfort), light 4 candles in the 4 directions; choose those of the season and intention (i.e.: last of the Hallows candles, a pine candle from yore, and others), and light incense &/or anoint oneself with oil) chanting the following to sanctify the space: ( _ means make that note longer)
  4. CHANT:
  5. The Ear_th_ is my bo_o_dy_, I must take care of Her /

    The Ear_th_ is my bo_o_dy_, I must take care of  Her/

    He_ey, yanya, Ho, yanya, He_ey, yan_ya /

    He_ey, yanya, Ho, yanya, He_ey, yan_ya /

    (repeat 3x and maybe a forth to a fade)

  6. Ground and center quickly; invoke the elements
  7. CHANT:
  8. Fire and air, fire and air

    Earth, water; earth water

    Fire and air, fire and air

    Earth, water; earth water

    (repeat 3x and maybe a forth to a fade)

  9. Longer grounding and centering: Meditate on the greater whole of the multiverse being made up of the sum of the elements; connect self. If you want, you can use ADF's Two Power Meditation, imagining pulling energy from down deep in the Earth, among the crystal pools of water, into your own body, and then up through the air into the fire-y heart of the Stars and Sun Eclipsed Moon, into your own body  {can play music or a drumbeat or a guided meditation}  (ADF Two Powers for large groups)

Beltane's Sss: Seeds, Sprouts, Sticks (& Stones' Eclipse!)

 Today, I'm home alone (hone along) 'cuz Mama took Tato to the ER & he's been / was...admitted to the hospital this AM...cuz...